It takes a lot of people and a lot of hours to make a BAB sale happen. It simply would NOT be possible without our amazing volunteers! Working at our sale can involve activities like sorting and placing items or even running a register. We love our volunteers and are so grateful for your help!
Workers are allowed to shop for THREE HOURS at 5:30p.m. on the Thursday evening before the sale opens to the public on Friday morning!
To sign up as a volunteer, click HERE and select the shifts you'd like to help at. Thank you, this sale CANNOT RUN without you!
REMEMBER: Our sale is completely dependent on volunteers
and we are SO GRATEFUL for each and every one of you!
We are always introducing new incentives to show our volunteers how much we love them! Check our Facebook page to see our current promotions! Workers are allowed to shop for three hours on the Thursday evening before the sale opens to the public on Friday morning! This is a huge deal because the big items and best deals tend to go first!
Our volunteers play a major role in the success of each sale. We always need more volunteers! Signing up early for volunteer shifts will give you a greater chance of getting a shift time slot of your choice. These shifts are from three to three-and-a-half hours long. They are offered on a first-come/first-served basis and certain shifts do fill up quickly!
Does your teenager need community service hours for school? Sign them up HERE.
Our sale is the perfect opportunity to fill out those service hours while having fun with friends and maybe even doing a little shopping! Plus they get to help give back to the community! WIN-WIN!
We love our teen volunteers and encourage you to grab a few friends and knock out a few hours!
Find a committee member to get your signed community service sheet!
**Preview Sale is not open to the general public**
Volunteers, sellers, educators, and first time parents are invited to join us for a special Preview Sale at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday night before the doors open to the public!
If you're interested in selling at our sale click HERE to register or click HERE to learn more.
If you qualify for early shopping at our Preview Sale, click HERE to sign-up.
4:30 PM - Volunteers working 2+ shifts
5:30 PM - Volunteers working 1 shift
6:30 PM - Sellers
7:00 PM - Educators (including homeschool parents) & First-time parents
8:30 PM - Preview Shopping ends
Please Note: To keep the Preview Sale a fair privilege that is enjoyed by our sale volunteers, only one adult will be allowed into the Preview Sale per shift worked. If you work one shift during the course of our sale, that represents one adult entrance into the Preview Sale. If you work two shifts, you and another adult may shop the Preview Sale.
This includes spouses and other family members. Preview Sale shoppers may bring in children (for sizing, etc.), but every admitted adult must have a corresponding shift worked or to be worked during the sale.